Class | Description |
Hdf5Archive |
Class for reading ND4J arrays and JSON strings from HDF5
achive files.
KerasLayer |
Build Layer from Keras layer configuration.
KerasLayerTest |
Unit tests for end-to-end Keras layer configuration import.
KerasModel |
Build ComputationGraph from Keras (Functional API) Model or
Sequential model configuration.
KerasModelConfigurationTest |
Unit tests for Keras model configuration import.
KerasModelEndToEndTest |
Unit tests for end-to-end Keras model import.
KerasModelImport |
Reads stored Keras configurations and weights from one of two archives:
either (1) a single HDF5 file storing model and training JSON configurations
and weights or (2) separate text file storing model JSON configuration and
HDF5 file storing weights.
KerasSequentialModel |
Build DL4J MultiLayerNetwork model from Keras Sequential
model configuration.
Model | Deprecated
KerasModelImport instead. |
ModelConfiguration | Deprecated
KerasModelImport instead. |
Enum | Description |
KerasLayer.DimOrder |
Exception | Description |
InvalidKerasConfigurationException |
Indicates that user is attempting to import a Keras model configuration that
is malformed or invalid in some other way.
UnsupportedKerasConfigurationException |
Indicates that user is attempting to import a Keras model configuration that
is not currently supported.